Note: The current turn-around is 4-6 business days from sign-up.
Haven’t gotten the call yet? It could be because you’ve got landmines in your application. This service will provide a full review of your airline applications. We will cover technical issues, errors, omissions, inconsistencies, spelling, grammar, and more. The goal is to be sure the true and full story is on the application.
Be sure to select how many application platforms you would like us to review. Most major airlines have moved away from third-party application platforms (i.e. Pilot Credentials, Airline Apps) to their own internal platform.
The following airlines have their own “platform”:
-American Airlines
-United Airlines
-Southwest Airlines
-Spirit Airlines
-FedEx Airlines
-UPS Airlines
For example:
A) If you would like your American, Delta, and United applications reviewed you should select “Three (3)” platforms and then select “American”, “Delta”, and “United” in the Airlines list.
B) If you would only like your American application reviewed your should select “One (1)” platform and then select “American” in the Airlines list.
Note: Delta Air Lines is using Airline Apps. If you choose to have your Delta/Airline Apps application reviewed, we will also include unlimited airlines also on Airline Apps (Frontier, Sun Country, etc.).
All applicable applications need to be ready for review at the time of signup. For example, if you sign up for 3 platforms and you are applying to American, Delta, and United, you must have all three applications completed and ready for review.